This Tony Award-nominated Broadway musical tells the story of a small-town girl, a city boy, and a rock 'n' roll romance on the Sunset Strip. Aspiring rock star Drew has dreams to take the stage as the next big thing while also longing for Sherri, fresh off the bus from Kansas with stars in her eyes. But when the bar where rock reigns supreme is set to be demolished by German developers, it's up to these wannabe rockers and their band of friends to save the day - and the music! The score, accompanied by a live rock band on stage, features all your favorite '80s pop-rock anthems and power ballads, including "Every Rose Has Its Thorn," “Here I Go Again,” “I Want to Know What Love Is,” “Don’t Stop Believin’,” and many more.
ROCK OF AGES is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.